
Instagram is Changing and Here’s Why You Should Care

Instagram is no longer just a square photo-sharing app.

Instagram has been adding additional ad placements on IG Stories, with two ads for every three stories tap, instead of one. Is Instagram running out of inventory? We have yet to find the answer to this.

This is just one of several changes I noticed on the Instagram platform alone. However, as of now, it still needs to be confirmed how this update will impact the app itself. Adam Mosseri, Head of Instagram announced that “Instagram is no longer just a square photo-sharing app.” (link to announcement)

Mosseri stated, “Video is driving an immense amount of growth online for all the major platforms right now.” Then, he continued to share that people are using Instagram for entertainment. Because of this, Instagram is evolving and starting to lean more towards entertainment and video.

Adam Mosseri also openly admits the stiff competition that they now have with other video platforms like Tiktok and Youtube. These two big industry players are heavily focused on video distribution. He also claimed that Instagram is currently working on testing recommendations by showing you things on your feed that you may not be following yet, along with showing topics related to your usual recommendations.

So, what does this mean?

That means, your content game needs to change. This serves as a great opportunity for businesses and content creators to change how they approach digital marketing. For businesses especially, you now have the upper hand to sell your products/services by providing better experiences to potential customers using 15-30 seconds of video content along with beautifully taken shots and a stand-out storyline.

Additionally, Instagram has started to roll out Reels Ads globally. Initially, Reels ads were launched in June this year with placement options in the Reels tab for 30-second full-screen videos.

Reels ads can also appear from the Reels viewer, which opens when someone clicks on Reels from their feed or the Explore tab.

As with regular Reels content, these ads will loop and can be up to 30 seconds. People can comment, like, view, save and share Reels ads. The call-to-action on Reels includes:

  • Shop Now
  • Read More
  • Sign Up
  • Click Here

These various CTAs provide many opportunities for businesses depending on their goal.

Final thoughts

Businesses should take advantage of the new ad placements on Instagram Stories and focus on creating short but engaging videos with beautiful shots and captivating storylines. This will help increase your reach, engagement, and product sales through an improved customer experience.

For content creators looking to monetize their work, it is also important to be mindful about how many ads are placed in each story or post so as not to make them feel too intrusive or disruptive. The best practice would be two ads per three stories. This will provide all parties involved with more opportunities for exposure without upsetting anyone along with time watching!

Contact us at Kaliber.asia if you want to discuss more or simply explore our blog at blog.kaliber.asia for more insights on the latest trend.

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